Don't raise Pharasees
Justin Taylor's blog had recent post on this subject. Which I commend to you. I couldn't agree more.
My kids tell me all the time about the "fakers" they know. Referring to those who's desire to be approved of or grouped in the "godly" group by the authorities (parents, teachers, pastors) in their life causes them to act one way when being observed and another (very different) way when not.
We all expect good behavior and certainly there is a battle going on with the flesh that must be fought. But, in reality, we are all ungodly and won't be completely godly until we pass in to glory.
Teaching our kids that "behavior" increases righteousness is simply legalism. Of course no one would knowingly teach that, but we may very well be teaching that without knowing it by our reaction to and focus on …”behavior”.
We should be reminding our kids daily that we are all wretched sinners whose hearts are deceitful.They should be walking around grieving for the unregenerate kids they know and amazed and grateful that God would condescend to save anyone most especially them. That is the sign of a humble heart that knows no boasting (Eph. 2:8).
Let’s be sure as parents, teachers and pastors that we teach our kids correctly by battling our own judging, prideful hearts that would indicate that behavior is more important than a humble heart that pursues the Savior.
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