Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Eternity - ever thought about it? No beginning and no end. Kind of a mind bender huh? Do you believe in eternity? Do you think you'll go someplace for eternity after you die? Where? How do you know?

If you do believe in eternity, it's important to keep it in mind - after all, if your soul is going to go on for eternity after you die then what's the point of your incredibly short (relative to eternity) time on earth?

The point do have a purpose and your life has a purpose...the question is do you know what it is and are you involved in that purpose every day? God has appointed you a certain number of days on earth to do something. If you are filled with his spirit then his spirit should be directing you every waking moment. If you think about it its an incredible privilege to be participating in the plans of the creator of the universe. Wow. Not sure about all this? Click on the 2 ways to live link....that will explain a lot.